Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thirty Years of Monday

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4: 13-14 

I have heard some very good sermons surrounding this passage in the book of James.  The general theme has been instruction to replace our own self-reliance with trust and confidence in the Lord’s perfect plan and will for our future.  This leaves no room for boasting, only trusting in our Heavenly Father for His provision each day, even the provision of life and breath.

Today, these verses were brought to mind as I realized I’d already wasted half my day following my emotions, resulting in a lack of discipline in all areas across the board.  By nature, I’m a pretty free spirit, feeling confined with daily lists, menus and responsibilities.  There’s a place for spontaneity, but when I allow feelings to dictate each day, not much is accomplished and the lack of organization leaves me feeling overwhelmed and more dissatisfied than I would have ever been by sticking to a daily plan! By allowing my emotions to guide my time, ultimately it’s my emotions that pay the price. This is when I usually make elaborate plans to begin a new diet, create amazing monthly menus, plan a budget and come up with a personal chore chart – all to begin on ‘Monday’.

Monday seems to be the magic day – the day when all things become new.  It’s a new week with untold possibilities.  My sister told me once that she has all the resolve to stick to a future healthy diet when she’s eating ice cream.  It’s when the ice cream is gone that the idea of healthy eating becomes difficult.  That’s how my Monday daydreaming goes.  I will fantasize of becoming Wonder Woman on Monday with all the resolve and ambition I now lack on Tuesday.  That gives me five days to prepare.  The only problem is that I’ve been preparing for Monday (for the most part) for thirty years.  When Monday comes and I don’t measure up to my own ideas of success, I set my sights on the next Monday to make real, positive change. Another big day is the first day of each month – the best big day is New Years Day, and the pattern is repeated day after day, week after week, month after month – well, you can see where this is going.

Now, I’d like to say that my life is not necessarily the huge flop I’ve just reported, but there is truth in what I wrote.  I write because I believe I am not the only one who encounters this, and other struggles.  I put my thoughts into words in the hope that I can bless others with some of the humbling lessons I learn along the way.

So there I was this afternoon, realizing my day was half over without much to show for it.  Figuring today was now a complete wash, I began mentally planning out my day tomorrow with all the resolve in the world to accomplish something better.  Laying off the Pop Tarts at 7 a.m. would be a good start.  You see, ‘Tomorrow’ is almost as good as ‘Monday’.  Almost.  Then I remembered James 4:14 - whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow and I dropped to my knees in my bedroom to have an honest talk with my Father. 

It began as a prayer to just make things right with Him, acknowledging that I wasn’t using my time in ways that were honoring to Him, and resolving to make tomorrow count, but then another verse was brought to my remembrance.  I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4

This day wasn’t over yet, even if half of it had blown away with the warm summer breeze!  I understood then and there that I couldn’t keep relying on Tomorrow or Monday or Next Month to become all God wanted me to be.  If I blew it this morning, I could confess and give the rest of the day to the Lord.  If I didn’t get in the groove by suppertime, I could go back to the Lord and offer him all of me until bedtime!  I didn’t have to believe the lie that a few ‘bad’ hours in the morning would ruin me for the rest of the day.  I also didn’t have to buy into the promise of Tomorrow anymore.  Tomorrow may or may not come, but it holds no more power to conform me into the image of Christ than today does.  If I miss my opportunity today, I’ve already made tomorrow that much more difficult.

How encouraging that we can make a brand new start any time of day by kneeling and bringing our failures to the Lord and asking for His strength as we rise up to go on with Him, moment by moment!

Moment By Moment  Lyrics by Daniel Webster Whittle (1870 – 1901)

Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;
Living with Jesus a new life divine;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

Moment by moment I’m kept in His love,
Moment by moment I’ve life from above;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

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