Sunday, June 20, 2010

What Now?

I love to listen to my local Christian radio station, WDER, in the car. Since I rarely have much time to myself, I love to take every opportunity to get alone with God when I'm driving. Many of the speakers and programs are just what the doctor ordered, and I'm still amazed at how God reaches out in each circumstance if I am willing to slow down and listen.

Today, however, I heard a speaker talking about finances, and he couldn't believe how people just don't get it. He said something like, "I guess my brain is wired differently than most people." He sounded arrogant and belittling, even kind of laughing at the situations people can get into when they avoid facing their financial situation - because he couldn't relate to them! I don't know about you, but it makes me want to push the mute button when someone is condescending - not only on the radio, but in everyday life. I am reminded of Hewbrews 4:15,16 "For we do not have a High Priest (Jesus) who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (NIV)

In thinking about this newest blog, I have really wondered - what now? Most of the messages we hear about salvation and a relationship with God are for those who have never heard, and then once a Christian, how to walk a life that is pleasing to God. I need those messages! I also believe in my heart that there is a growing number of people who have received the message of Christ's salvation, have embraced it, and then have fallen flat on their face because they didn't "keep the faith". Society around us is always tempting us to go our own way. It is as though this population now believes that there is no hope for them to ever recover. I am one of those people, and I am now on a journey to find God's BEST for the REST of my life. I don't believe for one minute that He wants me to give up on my future because of my past sins. I have a history of self-destruction that is extensive, and once in that cycle, I remained there out of shame and hopelessness. There is still a nagging thought sometimes that says, "Who do you think you are? Don't you know what you've done? Don't you think others know how bad you are?" The answer I am clinging to is that God has called me His child, and by faith, I have traded my sin for Christ's righteousness, no by works which I have done, but by God's grace - again.

So, what now? As I said at the beginning of my last blog, I am no one - just a mid-lifer who is on a journey. If my journey can "help a brother (or sister) out", then I thank God for that. What happens now is whatever God wants to happen. My heart cries out for the "failures", the ones who once shone so bright, but lost their vision and stumbled into unspeakable sin and lost their way. There is a great saying, "It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and only a moment to destroy it." It's true. Maybe now it's time to live for more than a reputation. It's time to begin a relationship with the One who will remember our sins no more! If God has already givin me a spotless reputation in His own eyes, then I can stand up on trembling feet, wash the grime off my face, and hold tight to the Hand which will guide me on paths of righteousness - for HIS name's (reputation) sake.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Here we are at square one - again. How many others have given up? Please lead me, and them, onto a new path, keeping us ever mindful that You love us, and have been waiting for us to come home to you. What a perfect, peaceful place to be. Again, I thank you! In Jesus' name!


  1. Shannon - I trust your year is a blessed one - just like I wrote to you way back in January! Thanks for your comments :)
